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It's Show Time! - Basic Training for Yorkshire Terriers

Training for your yorkie is easy when you know how

When you bring a Teacup Yorkshire Terrier home you probably have in your mind a well behaved adult that will be a joy to your home.

Few people picture a dog that stubbornly sits on the chair and growls or snaps when told to move.

However, this can be the result without a solid program to teach training and manners.

The teacup Yorkshire Terrier as a rule are an active breed and while they aren't as big as their Great Dane cousins they still need to be taught proper behavior in a human's world.

While this means accepting some behaviors that are dog behaviors it also means teaching them to survive in our world.

In doing this you give your new dog the gift of long term behavior that is a joy to have in the home.

Well behaved dogs are much more apt to find loving homes should something happen to you.

While praise is needed so is correction properly applied - if they never learn it's wrong, they are apt to repeat it.

A good balance of praise and discipline is needed as well as clearly communicating and remembering a puppy's attention span is very short.

The small size of this breed makes them even more dependent on being a part of your "pack".

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Your breeder can usually advise you of training classes if you feel that is necessary, but never underestimate training at home.

Each day is a chance to teach your loveable puppy something new.

Be consistent in your training and make sure they understand clearly what you want and what you do not want.

Dogs don't need explanations.

"NO!" and being clear you are not pleased gets through to them.

If your dog pushes past you to get outside put him on a leash and make him wait - allowing you to go out first.

In a dog's world this is a dominance gesture, the boss goes first.

If you allow him to be boss you're setting him up to fail.

He's too small to be boss and it creates a downward spiral in which the dog loses.

Always make sure you are consistent with your training.

Telling him "no!" when he begs while another family member is sliding food to him under the table is certain to confuse him.

Your local breeder can give you insight as to your puppy's place in the family order.

You must earn his respect.

You provide food, water and shelter but your body language communicates much to him.

Even as puppies their body language and silent communication is clear if we watch.

The submissive pup also needs careful handling - he may be timid and lack confidence.

At the puppy stage this can quickly be molded as he learns his place in the "pack" of your home.

Being consistent in training is important and you need to balance the discipline with praise especially in a puppy.

They are a mental sponge, absorbing the world around them.

Being the leader for your new pup is an important responsibility.

Do not reward with food, but rather with a toy or other reward.

Remember to a puppy play is a big motivator.

When he's had a good day get down on the floor and play with him.

Teach him "come" and other simple commands as a part of play, and then he will feel that it's a *fun* thing to learn with you.

Furthermore, rewarding with food can result in excess food intake, which can lead to obesity and shorten the life of your dog.

Having a healthy puppy with good manners and training leads to having a happy, well-adjusted adult dog that is a true part of the home.

Your cute teacup Yorkshire Terrier is still a dog underneath that cute exterior.

When they displease their leader, they are submissive so they are not banished from the 'pack', but the concept of being "sorry" or regret isn't something that dogs dwell on.

Your new puppy needs a leader and someone to teach it how to adapt to our world.

As humans we must try to understand their world and help them adapt to ours, while "speaking a different language".

When we clearly teach them to survive in our world we help them to be a well adjusted, well trained adult dog that is a joy to be around.

I will be back with some more tips soon.

All the best.


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