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Teaching your Yorkshire Terrier Tricks

leaf Teaching your Yorkshire terrier tricks can be fun and exciting. They are very eager to please their owners so that helps. Offering plenty of positive reinforcement as they work to master them will help them feel confident in their abilities as well.

Yorkies are very agile as well as full of energy. Therefore they have the right combination of abilities to be able to do many different tricks successfully.

You want to take your time teaching them to your Yorkshire terrier though. You don’t want them to become confused or overwhelmed. Make sure you only work on one trick at a time.

Give your Yorkie plenty of time to learn one before you introduce anything else. Be consistent in your efforts too so that what is learned will remain fresh in the dogs mind.

Try to spend about 10 or 15 minutes each day going over that particular trick. Do it again and again until it becomes a habit for your Yorkshire terrier. If your dog is losing interest then cut down the time frames for each session to fit their level of concentration.

You need to make sure all the tricks you introduce are safe though. Don’t push your Yorkshire terrier to do risky tricks that could jeopardize their health.

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You never want to risk your Yorkshire terrier getting injured. Due to their small size, jumps from high ledges and other types of items can cause they great pain. Always make sure the area where they are practicing the tricks is going to be safe for them.

Should they seem to be sore or hurt from such activities make sure you don’t continue them. Seek the advice of your veterinarian to prevent additional pain or injuries from occurring.

Teaching your pet tricks is a great idea if you plan to place them in various dog shows. Yorkshire teacup terrier training can be difficult at times due to their extremely small size. Therefore you want to make sure you choose tricks that will be a good match for your particular dog.

Take their abilities, energy level, and personality into consideration. If you find they simply can’t master a particular trick don’t force them. There may be things you don’t realize preventing them from being able to do so.

Instead try a different trick and go from there. This process will also ensure you get to spend quality time with your Yorkie. It will serve as a great form of exercise for them as well.

There are books you can buy that will show you step by step how to teach your Yorkshire terrier a particular trick. Look for those rated as easy to begin with.

As your dog gets faster at learning, you can introduce more complicated tricks. Don’t rush them into doing difficult things though as it could injure them.

You can also watch videos on the internet that will walk you though teaching your Yorkshire terrier tricks. These are great visual tutorials that you can learn a great deal from.

It isn’t going to be easy at times to teach such tricks. You need to be patient and you need to be consistent. This will help your Yorkshire terrier to learn what you would like him or her to.


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